Cheapest and most reliable bulk sms website in Nigeria for end users and Reseller with Online Payment, free API, free sms units and mobile applications.
Your message must not contain “scam words” like promo, win, won, congrats, congratulations, award, etc.
Always send your message first to yourself before broadcasting to the rest of your contacts…to ensure there is no issue with delivery.
If you have phone numbers in the body of your message, kindly separate them with at least two hyphens e.g. 0703-8743-765. This is to ensure delivery to Glo networks. It also prevents your message spilling to the next page without your information.
Your sender ID must not be more than 11 characters.
When using the UPLOAD RECIPIENTS option, ensure you upload a .txt file. We do not accept excel or microsoft documents.
Failure to adhere to these tips is at your own risk.